DNA proves a man isn’t the father of the kids he’s been taking care of

DNA proves a man isn’t the father of the kids he’s been taking care of

A wicked woman has been exposed for luring a man to pay school fees for children that he didn’t sire plus forced to be paying child support to support children that are not his.

A man has come online to express his pain of finding out that the children that he believes were his turned out to be not his biological kids but kamagera’s.

Now emotionally and spiritually healed man narrated the ordeal that made him fear women completely on social media.

His wits told him to do a DNA test and as it turned out, he isn’t the father of their two children that he’s been paying school fees for, taking care of and paying child support for their sake.

Here’s his narration of the situation. This happened in Nairobi.

So…. where do I start….

In 2013 I got a job to go work for Fox Arabia as a Motion graphics designer.

My girlfriend then, whose dad is a bishop in one of these amglican aama sijui ni pentecostal churches was my best closest friend. Partly I snubbed that job juu sikutaka kumwacha nyuma. But she insisted she can take care of herself.

I asked her severa times if she could remain sexless until I come back after a 3 year contract and she inisted she could. Upto this time, the only red flag (which I was so blind to take serious) was that she was found kissing some dude in the watchman’s booth at the gate of their court.

The watchie told me and when approached alikubali… akalia… akaomba msamaha ikaisha. Infact if I had the mind I have right now back then, probably this thread would have ended right here as none of these events would have never unfolded.

Excitement of landing in another country na skype calls kibao, then nikamhamisha to a nice house when greenfields in donholm was still considered a posh neighborhood. sasa ni savings na kutuma pesa ya kujaza nyumba, I had a 3 weeks leave every year and on the last year came home, came spent time na madam and left.

3 months later she calls telling me nilimwacha na mimba. ” I call up mama not believing her story juu nashindwa mbona naambiwa after 3 months. Moms like, kuna madame wanaweza shika ball esp if its the first na ikuwe miezi kadhaa wakose kujua.

Then I let it slide. Sasa contract inaisha, madam alishazaa kule nairobi womens na mimi sasa ni kurudi home naona. My boss is reasigning me to another asian country with a new contract na chance ya kuleta wife na mtoi. Mimi naona savings imetosha I go back home set up a stable biz na take care of my young family.

2 weeks in, I bump into one of her friends whose shocked am back na hajui. Nikwamwambia I am around. Kidogo I ask why she hasnt passed by yeye na the group of girls I left… first she was slow to say anything but later she opened up akaniambia they were banned from going to my house.

Interrogation kidogo kumbe kuna makanga wa squadi (kamagera) amekuwa akilala huko daily. When they knew they approached their friend kuwongelesha but she chose the d*ck over solid advice. According to her, huyo mtoi anafanana huyo jamaa. Akanipeleka base, I approached the guy peace talk kidogo nikaona wanafanana. Nigga gave me 500bob ya maziwa nipelekee madam as at that moment I was the womans cousin. kufika home nikamwambia hii stoty yote, drama hapa pale…machozi… akakataa mtoi si wa huyu jamaa. I was like kesho we do a DNA test (back then it cost an arm and a leg) we agreed kesho we go. Did research nikaambiwa. Nikalala kwa siz nikafika na taxi nikamwambia achukue mtoi twende. She was like shes thought about it overnight na akaona labda si wangu…. na hataki niharibu pesa ikuwe sio yangu.

Gave her 48 hours atafute story ataambia watu wa kwao na ahame. She picked stuff na akaenda. A month later she calls ati hio 2 weeks we were together na ile daily sex nimempea ball. Nikaona hapa siwezi ruka. So since I have been taking care of the girls wako early primary saa hii.

Later she caused a lot of drama kule kwa childrens ati huyo mtoi wa kwanza pia ni wangu na sitaki majukumu. Nikaona nipeane child support to both for peace of mind. Now as usual when unalipa venye wanataka hakuna kelele.

She went and got married to some jamaa. one day she calls me ati watu wa kwao hawapendi the husband and she needs some manly advice. tukaongea tukimaliza am like “na unapenda huyu mwanaume, hebu whatsapp me picha yake nimwone” – mjinga akatuma.

Guess what? Anafanana na my last daughter copyright. when I shared the pic na familia everyone is like anafanana msichana yako sana.

Kidogo, shule zinafunguliwa fees ni 160k for both first term, nikamuliza uliwapeleka riara ama wapi jamani. Akasema ni hivyo…. kuitisha fees structure ikakuja after 3 days na ni word document yenye haina rubber stamp. Mimi ndege nikakuja nairobi.

Nikasema if I am paying more fees I need to know if these babies are mine juu it all smells shit. Nikachukuwa watoi jioni ati pizza hut. nikamwapeleka mombasa road DNA test (which btw nilipata hapa kwa kijiji) Samples nikalipa nikaambiwa 2 weeks results.

Kila siku ni simu anapiga… unatuma fees lini. Venye nilisema natuma nikishapata DNA reslts akaenda akauliza watoi niliwapeleka wapi. Akashika nare mbaya.

Results ndio hizo attached.

Trauma for a few days nikarudi normal. Nikasema heri nimejua mapema.