Zodwa Wabantu might be the frickiest chick in Africa

Zodwa Wabantu might be the frickiest chick in Africa

Zodwa Wabantu is one of the baddest chicks I know on the internet and by far the baddest one from Africa.

I have at least heard of some Africa baddest chicks like Moesha Boduong, Vera Sidika, Corazon Kwamboka and Desire Luzinda who allegedly leaked her own nudes and a video of someone fucking her brains out but they still don’t have anything to Zodwa Wabantu.

I know most people would love to see the sextape or leaked nudes of the socialite but still, she is known for removing her panties in front of revelers on stage, that’s one crazy bih right there.

Just look at her here getting comfortable in her skin in a beach probably on a vacay somewhere