63-year-old man dies after threesome for the first time

63-year-old man dies after threesome for the first time

The Kenya Police took to social media to announce to the general public that a 63-year-old man is dead.

The man was together with a 28-year-old man who was fucking the same girl. This was more running a train than a threesome.

Reportedly, at least according to the Kenya Police, they were found together in bed, dead. They mentioned that the photos were somewhat improper to share with the general public.

The Police are suspecting foul play since they’re claiming it’s homicide.

“Two men, Philip Simiyu(68), Boniface Waruiru(28), together with an unidentified lady booked a room in a lodging in Pipeline on 09/05/2022 0035 hrs.

They were later found in the room at 1400hrs, dead holding each other.

Homicide dealing…” the police post read.