Bold patron eats up stripper’s pussy at the Chillspot Club in Thika

Bold patron eats up stripper’s pussy at the Chillspot Club in Thika

It’s not every day you’d get a patron who went out to have a good time be as bold as this young fella right here.

The patron who was clearly as horny as a rabbit decided to eat up the stripper’s bare pussy like groceries from the back without any shame whatsoever.

I guess people in Kenya are as bold as advertised in Hollywood by their actors.

This is that clip that you will never ever forget it, not once, not ever. I bet the Chillspot Club in Thika is the best place to be when you’re in Kenya.

Check out the short clip right below;

Get the video above right here: Bold patron eats up stripper's pussy at the Chillspot Club in Thika (416 downloads )