Daredevil couple fucks in the air with only harness supporting their bodies

Daredevil couple fucks in the air with only harness supporting their bodies

I think these adorable, daredevil couple took their freakiness to a whole new level that deserves to be celebrated if not for the most daring fucking ever then for the fact that they’re alive.

The couple went out for mountain climbing together and thereafter and instead of fucking as a normal couple would, they decided to take it to the next level.

They fucked in the air with nothing supporting their weight but their harness that was strapped on their bodies.

When one was going down on the other, he/she had to go down a little bit so that they can be at face-level with their junk.

This video deserves to win an award on something because even if some other couple out there will have the cojones to do what they did in the air, it won’t be a classic like this or it will never be as unique and nice as this.

This video will make your day no lie. This is surprisingly amazing to watch, instead of giving you a hard-on or making your pussy wet, all it does is make your heart jump a beat just from watching them fuck without any care of the world.

Here’s the video, watch it:


Download the above clip here: Daredevil couple fucks in the air with only harness supporting their bodies (275 downloads )