Help me! she has a loose pussy but wants me to marry her

Help me! she has a loose pussy but wants me to marry her

Hi. Please hide my identity.

I met this chic a while back while she was working abroad.

She’s very beautiful and sexy plus a nice personality. We hit it off immediately. We mostly communicated online since I was back in Kenya. Due to covid, she lost her job and had to come back home and we finally met in person.

She was even better looking in person. We spent some time together the first time, shared a meal, and talked.

It was nice. We planned for a second meeting with plans for a road trip. We traveled out of town and had a lot of fun.

Disappointment came when we fucked for the first time. Manze she’s wide ile mbaya (mtaro) and I could barely feel anything especially since I was wearing protection.

The problem is we’ve hit it off and she’s confessed her feelings but I can’t just stop the nagging feeling that she’s been around a lot (mileage). And I don’t enjoy the sex, her pussy has zero grip, and I have to fantasize just to cum.

She never wants to speak about her past when I ask and when she does, she tells conflicting stories.

There’s time I insisted and she claimed she’s only been with 3 men. But one time while she was drunk, she confessed to having one-night stands, unknowingly blurted out about her escapades outwitting her parent kwenda out clubbing with help of her male childhood friend.

She’s the type that gets very sexually excited when she’s tipsy, so leaves me wondering what she used to do, hookups and one-night stands when she goes out clubbing.

I asked about her last relationship and claims it was over 2yrs ago but I don’t believe her due to inconsistencies in her stories.

She wants us to settle down together and even proposed plans for a joint business venture, but I’m not sure I can trust her. I know we shouldn’t judge people by their past but every time we fuck I can’t help but think I’m with a whore and there’s no way I can settle with one.

On top of that she’s still in touch with guys she’s been with whom she chats and they call her all manner of times even at night. I suspect they are sending her money as well.

As confessed on Confessions with Kadogoo