house girl with a dry pussy demonstrates how to ride dick safely without risking blisters

house girl with a dry pussy demonstrates how to ride dick safely without risking blisters

Not all pussies get wet after stimulation during foreplay.

Some cunts are naturally dry no matter what u do to them they won’t just get the lubrication needed to allow easy penetration of the dick.

A clip from our collection shows a Nairobi house helping enjoy riding a dick even though she has a dry pussy.

The naughty maid rode the cock nice and slow having applied a minim of saliva to reduce friction.

From the way she rides the pecker, it’s clear that women with dry pussies need to be gentle while fucking or they will risk vaginal blisters and not to mention that friction increases the risk of contracting STIs if the condom was to break.

Get the above clip here: house girl with a dry pussy demonstrates how to ride dick safely without risking blisters (488 downloads )