I’ve been paying child support for a non-existent child for years

I’ve been paying child support for a non-existent child for years

A man has been paying child upkeep for a child he sired some years ago through a one night stand. After having sex with the woman, the woman said she got pregnant.

However, the man who lives in US had already gone there.

The baby was born and the man being a gentleman, he has been sending money for up keep for his child, for three years, money amounting to almost 60,000 monthly.

Here is where it gets tricky. The lady suddenly tells the man that the child is so sick and wants a lot of money for surgery. The man tells his mother who is in Kenya to go and see the child discreetly at the hospital.

When the mother gets there, there is no such a child admitted at the said hospital. She contacts the lady and the lady casually says: the child died, let me mourn in peace.

The man been getting even photos of the child, and been speaking over the phone with the child. But things gets trickier, it emerges that the man has been taking care of a non-existent child.

The lady never had a child with that man but been using another woman’s child to trick the man so as to be getting money from him.

What a dangerous schemer!