Man chops off his balls to serve a higher purpose

Man chops off his balls to serve a higher purpose

An African man has shown his devotion to the higher power by cutting off his remaining ball to show his commitment to serving the Highest. He said that his actions were based on his religious belief that since he was not married, he needed to serve God faithfully.

Terhemen Anongo, a 44-year-old medical school dropout of Benue State has removed his testicles “to avert sexual desire”

Terhemen Anongo who dropped out from the University of Ibadan medical school over alleged ill-health noted that he will now be able to focus on his service to God now that he’s managed to cut his two balls.

Reportedly, he had cut his first ball back in March 2021 after he performed surgery on himself which almost led to him losing his life after bleeding profusely. The timely intervention of those who knew about his plight saved the situation as medical practitioners rallied around to give him attention.

He believes that right now he won’t be able to get distracted by pussy now that he’s castrated.

Terhemen Anongo says that he is happy that he has finally achieved what he was aiming for and he cannot wait for his wounds to heal so that he can remove the bandages and start his ministry of being of service to the Most High.

Speaking on telephone with newsmen in Makurdi on Sunday, the medical student now turned a wheelbarrow pusher had something to say about his situation.

“I went to remove the second testicle based on religious belief. I removed it on Monday. The first one had little hitches but this one had learned from that experience, I did (remove) it very well. Somebody is always coming to dress it for me.

I’m fine. There is no problem, I’m only waiting for when the wound will heal so I can remove the stitches,” he said.