Masturbation ruined my fucking life, somebody help me

Masturbation ruined my fucking life, somebody help me

Hello, I’m a man now approaching 30 years. I have a dilemma I’m not sure if it’s mental or it’s has morphed into a physiological Condition.

After my KCSE years ago, we had a 2-year mandatory period, a formality awaiting admission to the university. That was a lot of free and spare time on my hands. I had this friend of mine, childhood friends who used to come over and introduce me to porn watching. At first I didn’t mind because it didn’t evoke any resultant action after watching.

However, one day he brought this particular porn video that was kind of explanatory on how climaxing works and how a man can reach orgasm by self-pleasing, masturbation.

I immediately went to my bedroom and attempted the described process and to my surprise, the effect was overwhelming and pleasing. Needless to say, whenever I was left alone in the house I would try masturbating over and over again.

Upon joining campus that’s when I realized its negative effects. I befriended a certain cute chocolate Kalenjin lady who after a while decided she could give me a taste of her honey pot. I was elated when she texted me her room number and said that her door was unlocked and she was awaiting my arrival.

I armed myself with condoms and embarked on my journey to a coital pilgrimage. I found her already in bed, chatting on Facebook, maybe responding to the several birthday wishes notifications. It was her birthday, obviously, It was a birthday sex date.

Well, I began fondling her, gently playing with her genitalia…to my disbelief, the amount of wetness I felt from atop her pant was nothing short of awesomeness. Thick slimy juices lined her pants and I knew it was time…I tried to take of her pants but she stopped me indicating it was not time yet.

Anyway, when it was about time to dive into the sea of life, I went in and after 20 seconds, I had shot my load and my rod had retired. Well, I thought it was normal for a first-time sex practitioner.

From the documentaries and stories I have listened to, a man ought to recover within 3-5 minutes after the first shot.. so I waited for 5 minutes. Half an hour passed, an hour passed, still, my dick was unresponsive. Any attempts to resuscitate it proved futile. She finally slept. I tried waking her up for morning glory but she was not into it. I guess I had disappointed her.

The same trend persisted with different sexual partners till it got to a point I discovered the blue pill which I have been using to date.

My worry now is I can’t keep up with this practice. I will be thinking about settling down with a wife soon and I’m certain this might be a problem in marriage.

I don’t know what to do, when I’m with a lady the nervousness sometimes even makes me lose erection before I penetrate. The erection sometimes it’s weak. When I’m alone it may get hard and wish I had a girl in that moment.

I want help, I need help to overcome this. I stopped masturbating but the effects still bite me to date. I need help to regain my natural strength.

I will appreciate any positive advice. If anyone can help, I will pick you up from the comments. Thank you.