6 ways to deliver the most devasting thrusts while fucking from behind

6 ways to deliver the most devasting thrusts while fucking from behind

Backside shots could potentially deliver the most lethal punch to the pussy depending on the angle one chooses to attack from.

An American fuck master recently demonstrated in a video 6 ways to deliver the most devastating thrusts as he fucked a petite girl from behind.

1. He pressed the lady onto the bed with her belly and chest touching the mattress while her butt is lifted up high as he hovers.

2. He crouched while holding onto her back, moving forward and backwards to thrust his dick in her pussy.

3. He knelt on the bed while the lady was on her fours, pressing onto her butt with the left hand

4. The lady was on her fours as he strongly pressed onto her back which slanted to form a curve.

5. He choked her while delivering rapid fire backside shots.

6. He pressed onto the lady’s back, pushing her belly and chest to rest on the bed as penetrated while standing in a slanted position.

Now watch the video below to see who the backside shots happened.

Download!!! Most devastating backside shots (278 downloads )

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