My man of 6 years was snatched from me by a richer woman

My man of 6 years was snatched from me by a richer woman

I have also come to know that a man can also leave you for a richer woman.

That is what happened with my husband of 6 years. We moved to live together in Mombasa then COVID came. He lost his job but did some hustles here and there to sustain us. During that time, he got into some matatu business and it happened that the matatu he was driving was owned by a rich woman who lived in Bamburi.

The woman got close to my husband slowly. My husband is younger than the woman but that did not stop them from having an affair and before I knew, they moved in together and I was left with no choice than to go back to the village.

I have two children with my husband but as we speak, he lives with his other woman. He does send to me some child support but from the look, it is like he made up his mind to go away from me.

He even told me that I’m lazy and fat. Ironically, his other woman is even fatter than me and was a single mother of three children who are all between 10 years and 17 years now.

So, I think also men can be snatched by richer women.