She rode that dick while still wearing a dress and a thong

She rode that dick while still wearing a dress and a thong

This chick sure got herself some skills that are merely taught from experience or the consumption of way too much porn, in other words; she’s a pro at riding dick and we cheer her for it.

She didn’t have time to remove her clothes at all, she was probably in a hurry going to work or something and decided to give her man a taste of what he’ll be missing when she goes out until she gets back.

She didn’t remove her thong, neither did she remove her dress.

She just pushed that panty to the side just like Chris Brown once sang in a song and sat that wet, tight, beautiful on that morning dick.

She rode it so nicely you have to watch to understand how nice it was.

Watch it below;


Download it right here: She rode that dick while wearing a dress (507 downloads )