Fella Run It All shares confessions of some of the women he’s fucked

Fella Run It All shares confessions of some of the women he’s fucked

Fella Run It All is by far one of the most sought-after freelance pornstars in the adult industry, he’s fucked so many beautiful women of all sizes and types that I would need to have 10 sets of hands to count how many.

Apparently, he is so good at fucking women that almost all the women he fucks gets to cum and squirt, he doesn’t have any negative review from them.

Making six figures every other month from OnlyFans alone, Fella Run It All is one of the successful adult content creators in the industry today and that’s no lie.

Fella Run It All who is also known as Fella The Turn Up Monster in the porn industry is also known as Young Fella as a rapper.

Fella Run It All shared a collage of messages he received from some of the women he’s fucked who loved how he fucked them and there’s nothing but positive reviews.

Some women that he fucked got to know some parts of their bodies that they didn’t know existed, there were some who were more than ready to propose to him asking him to marry them because of how good he’s good with the tongue and the dick.

“Your sex was amazing bae. I love how every time you go deep in me I can feel every inch, from how when you hitting it from the back hard and yo balls hit my clit to help me cum, love it when you talk to me while you fucking me. When you on top whew!!! Love how you can fuck me rough and turn around and make love to me.

You pleased me from start to finish had me wanting more. I was about to squirt so many times!!!! Your head is over the top! You do something with yo tongue that feels like a heartbeat on my clit then when you ate my ass LAWD!! you had me ready to get on my knees to ask you for marriage no lie.

You made me feel good! Like all honesty I never had anyone do my body like you did, you had my pussy wet asf and wanting more and still do! YOU THE BEST!! frfr I needed that,” this is just one of the many praises he received from the many women he’s fucked raw.


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