“What did you say?” She begged for ‘forgiveness’ but he showed no mercy fucking her

“What did you say?” She begged for ‘forgiveness’ but he showed no mercy fucking her

Women do get overwhelmed during sex sometimes and they just can’t say it outright.

This was the case in this video, the lady was moaning like a wounded soldier besieged by the enemy but she just allowed him to continue fucking her.

It’s not as if she was in pain or something but just looked like she was exhausted because of the vigorous romp.

The dude turned her over several times like a fried egg as he fucked her in different positions.

All this while the lady was moaning with the sound of defeat and you could tell she wanted no more.

However, the dude continued pumping his cock in her, even asking her what she was saying when it appeared as if she was complaining.

At one point the bitch tried holding him back in a desperate bid to stop him from thrusting but he just couldn’t read between the line.

The hungry man unleashed his energy and mercilessly chewed the poor chick like as if his very survival depended on the fuck, he tossed him around like a coin as he pumped his cock in her wet pussy.

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