Dr Branice Munyasa advises women not to anal fuck

Dr Branice Munyasa advises women not to anal fuck

A Kenyan doctor by the name of Dr Munyasa has warned women through social media that anal sex isn’t safe sex.

Through her experience as a renowned doctor, she’s seen way too many cases of women coming to seek her advice after their anus got messed up because of anal fucking.

To use as a stern warning to other women out there, she shared a photo and a video of a woman who has her insides Coming out of her because of constantly getting fucked in the ass.

She advises women to always and forever say No to ass fucking whenever their men asks them for it because if they don’t listen to her advice, their insides will start coming out as the video below.


Viewer discretion is advised, don’t watch it if you’re not prepared.


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