Fastest sex speedster fucks white chick on his couch with the aggression of a sprinting cheetah

Fastest sex speedster fucks white chick on his couch with the aggression of a sprinting cheetah

He is the Usain Bolt of sex, he was lightning fast and for a moment it seem that one needed to slow down the video just to get a clearer view of him fucking.

The flash fucker had his prey lie on the couch with her legs lifted in the air granting him easy access to his pussy which lay open like a gazelle in the African savannah.

The sex speedster unleashed a series of rapid thrusts as he pressed on the chick’s legs hard towards her chest.

It appeared as if he was gasping for air as his mouth was wide open and eyes tightly shut as he pumped his cock in her with all the energy he could afford.

At that speed, he was burning a lot of calories and just like the fastest animal on earth he didn’t quite last long.

The romp was lightning fast and sweet, the white chick produced high pitch moans that reverberated across the room almost simultaneously as the dude pumped his cock in her harder.

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